Greater Grand
Rapids USBC Association
October 2011
National Tournament Winners
Grand Rapids, Michigan had
winners in both the women's and men's National Events that ended
in July.
to Elizabeth Rike, Chad Reiffer & Brandon Tarabek for
winning at these National Tournaments.
The women's was held in
Syracuse, NY where Elizabeth won the Handicap All-Events in the
Diamond Divison while Chad & Brandon won the Actual Doubles
in the Open Division in Reno, NV.
Way to go GRAND RAPIDS!!!
Grand Rapids USBC League Officers Jamboree
Villa Lanes
22, 2011
1:00 & 3:30 p.m.
to all officers of all Certified leagues in GGRUSBC
to 4 bowlers per league)
Fee - $15 per Doubles Team
is not a walk-in Tournament
close Wed., Oct. 19
Certification Program
OFFICERS - Do you want to be a certified League Officer?
The USBC Officer Certification Program teaches current and future
league officers his or her responsibilities for any office he or she
wishes to seek. In order to become a Certified Officer, a member
must first go through the instructional course and then pass the
exam. Officer training is currently available for league
secretaries but will soon be available for league treasurers and
presidents. For more information please visit and
click on Officer Certification.
Well here we are 4 weeks into the new season
We have a lot
of work ahead of us this year with the Women's State Tournament in
our back yard. We continue to look for help in running
this tournament for approx. 15 weekends in 2012 . If you
are interested please contact the bowling office, one of the center
reps or any of the board members. We will be meeting
shortly to start organizing and discussing what our
needs will be for this upcoming event. Stay
In the mean
time we hope your season is off to a great start!
Carole Morgan & Fran Reus
Greater Grand Rapids USBC Association
your Board of Directors
President - Patrick Cross 
Vice President - Carole Morgan
Association Manager - Cherylle Secl-Cross
Youth Committe
The 2011
Convention was held in Arlington, TX and was attended by 1024
delegates. Contributions were made to the Bowlers Veteran
Link & The Susan G. Komen Foundation. There will be a new
exhibit at the International Bowling Hall of Fame in recognition of
"50 Years of Womens Pro Bowling". USBC has a new
mission statement which is to provide benefits, resources &
programs that enhance the bowling experience. The new vision
is to create life long bowlers. USBC's goal is to improve
communication with it's members. The Women's & Open
Tournament participation is down but the Youth Junior Gold &
National Tournament has increased. Three proposed amendments
changes were proposed. Lowering the senior tournament age
from 55 to 50 - defeated, requiring all associations to merge -
defeated, and any one seeking election must have their credentials
in 30 days prior rather than 24 hrs. - passed. Elections of
new board of directors was done and we have a new president - Jim
Stuurm who is a bowling proprietor from W.Virgina. On behalf
of the GR USBC Delegates - thank you for allowing us to serve you.
Be sure to visit
our website at for further
Membership Activations
New this
year, bowlers have the opportunity to activate their memberships
Activating your membership allows USBC to communicate important
news, updates and tips to you throughout the bowling season.
PLUS - USBC will give each bowler a bonus gift of 20% off at the when you activate your card. Also this,
year, each bowler will receive a bag tag member gift included in
your membership card mailing.