Greater Grand Rapids USBC Association
May 2013
Annual Meeting
Attendance was down this year, but
business went on as usual.
President Pat Cross called the meeting to order and
reported on his president business. Association Manager
Cherylle Secl-Cross gave a report on the finances and an
update on the Annual Convention held in Reno of which
several board members attend-ed. Those who attended gave
reports on the workshops they participated in with Rules,
Registered Volunteer Program, Basic Social Media, Youth-Building a
Future Partnership and the Future of Awards.
The nominating committee reported on the election of
Directors and Delegates. The Directors elected were, Jeremy
Pettenger, Fran Reus & Doug Stevens (all incumbents) and new
director Mike Marks. We want to thank Leroy McIntosh for
all his years of service and for doing a great job.
Also elected was Sue Eaton (incumbent) for Youth
Delegates for the 2014 Convention in Reno will be Pat
Cross, Cherylle Secl-Cross, Shirley Avery, Jaquelyn Monje, Fran Reus,
Amber Borello and Rich Smith.
Delegates for Michigan State BA will be Pat Cross,
Ryan Ross, Carole Morgan and Mike Marks.
Delegates for WBA will be Cherylle Secl-Cross,
Shirley Avery, Sue Eaton, Fran Reus, Amber Borrello and Carole

League Bowler,
As we come to
the end of another season we hope you all had a good time, bowled
well and made new friends. We look forward to summer and
having some time off to enjoy the nice weather, when it gets
Call your
local bowling centers and find a summer league if you want to keep
in bowling shape for next season.
Have a great
Greater Grand Rapids USBC Association
Team-Classic Hdcp. - Northfield Lanes Rejects -
Team-Classic Actual - Don's Pizza - 3609
Team-Regular Hdcp. - Clique Lanes - 3758
Team-Regular Actual - Clique Lanes - 3345
Doubles-Classic Hdcp. - Charlie Brown Jr./Aaron
Schutter - 1521
Doubles-Classic Actual - Charlie Brown Jr./Aaron
Schutter - 1467
Doubles-Regular Hdcp. - David Adrianse/Sean Adrianse
- 1628
Doubles-Regular Actual - David Adrianse/Sean
Adrianse - 1416
Singles-Classic Hdcp. -Chad Pyne - 834
Singles-Classic Actual - Ben Rabourn - 799
Singles-Regular Hdcp. - Jeff Groen - 852
Singles-Regular Actual - Robert DeKraker - 744
All Events-Classic Hdcp. - Ben Rabourn - 2432
All Events-Classic Actual - Ben Rabourn - 2369
All Events-Regular Hdcp. - James Peterson -
All Events-Regular Actual - Jon Schlickman - 2054
Team Hdcp. - Dirty Girl Scouts - 3612
Team Actual - The Ones to Watch - 3191
Doubles Hdcp. - Ruth Ann Rocha/Barbara Frary - 1552
Double Actual - Kim Becker/Lisa Doss - 1379
Singles Hdcp. - Amber Bentley - 808
Singles Actual - Robin Orlikowski - 747
All Events Hdcp. - Amber Bentley - 2322
All Events Actual - Amber Bentley - 2136
Our Mission: The GGRUSBC
Association ensures the integrity and protects the future of the
sport, provides programs and services and enhances the bowling