Boyne Machine Invitational
DeHaan wins again earning back to back titles
The Bowling Council held its second of five tournaments this season to help decide who makes the Men's and Women's
All-City Teams. The Boyne Machine Invitational was held October 11 at Paragon Lanes. (the women's to be held at a later date)
The format was simple, bowl 6 games and total pin fall determined the winner. Matt DeHaan averaged 243 for the tournament to capture1st place and $599 prize money. Following close behind for 2nd was Chad Reiffer, who shot 300, with only a 15 pin difference. It took an average of 223 to cash for the tournament.
Other cashers were Charlie Brown Jr., Matt Jelsma, Mike Horian, Aaron Groendyk, Tom Cunningham, David Brown, Chris Slagter, Brad Henman, Jeremy Pettenger & Frank Rybiski.
Final standings can be found on the association website.