Grand Rapids bowler with dual citizenship to compete for Team Canada in Pan Am Games GRAND RAPIDS, MI - The Grand Rapids bowling scene will be represented at the 2015 Pan AM Games in Toronto, but not by the Stars and Stripes. Local bowler and St. Catharines, Ontario native Robin Orlikowski will compete for Team Canada in the international tournament that spans from North to South America.
The tournament begins on Tuesday for Orlikowski, who moved to Grand Rapids in 2005 and gained dual citizenship three years later. Since she started competing for Team Canada in 2000, Orlikowski has won events at the state, national and international levels, but she still considers her time in the upcoming tournament as an honor. "There are only two women and two men selected for each country, so it's an honor to be chosen as one of those bowlers, and to bowl on my home country's soil is out of this world," said Orlikowski, who calls Wengers Bowling Center her home alley. "We have so many friends and family that are going to be behind us. It's going to be amazing." Author Patrick Nothaft Credit Read the full article at |