2016 Open & Women’s Tournament Schedule

The 2016 Open & Women’s Tournaments will be held at Park Center.  The tournament will open March 19, and the last squad will be May 3.


Saturday, March 19 – 2:00pm
Sunday, March 20 – 10:00am, 2:00pm
Saturday, March 26 – 10:00am, 2:00pm
Saturday, April 2 – 10:00am, 2:00pm
Sunday, April 3 – 10:00am, 2:00pm
Saturday, April 9 – 10:00am, 2:00pm
Sunday, April 10 – 10:00am, 2:00pm
Saturday, April 16 – 10:00am, 2:00pm
Sunday, April 17 – 10:00am, 2:00pm
Saturday, April 23 – 10:00am, 2:00pm (Added 2/10)
Sunday, May 1 – 10:00am, 2:00pm
Tuesday, May 3 – 6:30pm
Wednesday, May 4 – 6:30pm (Added 3/11)


Reservations?  Call Association Office: 616-530-8195

  • Entries will be available online soon.
  • Enter Doubles twice (must change partner)
  • Enter Singles twice (only highest score will cash)

State Games of Michigan – Bowling

Bowling Registration is now Open!

Event Dates: February 21, 2016

Location: Spectrum Lanes, 5656 Clyde Park Ave SW, Wyoming, MI 49509

Tournament Director: Eric Bottrall

Register Online

Event Fees:
$15 until Jan. 28
$20 until Feb. 17
$25 onsite registration

Youth Times: 9:30 am Adult Times: 9:30 am Seniors Times: 9:30 am
Age 11 & Under Mixed Male/Female Age 20-34 Female Age 55 & over Female
Age 12-15 Female Age 20-34 Male Age 55 & over Male
Age 12-15 Male Age 35-54 Female
Age 16-19 Female Age 35-54 Male
Age 16-19 Male

*Check in is one hour before start time*

Format: Each participant will bowl a total of 4 games and the total amount of pins knocked down in all four games will determine 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each age category above.

Seniors Tournament December 5-12

The 50th Annual Seniors Tournament is coming up!  The event is hosted by AMF Eastbrook Lanes.  The Seniors Tournament is open to all senior sanctioned bowlers of the Greater Grand Rapids USBC. The tournament is separated into two age groups, and as well as separated into Mens and Womens groups. The age groups are 55 – 65 years, and 65+ years.

Four squads are available, each starting at 11am.  Squad dates are December 5, 6, 11, and 12.  Note that December 11 is a Friday!  $20 entry.

Full event details and entry form available here.

700/800 Tournament December 5-13

The 53rd Annual 700 Tournament with Optional 800 is just around the corner.  This years event is taking place at Park Center Lanes, December 5, 6, 12, and 13.  The 700 ( and optional 800 ) Club Tournaments are open to all sanctioned bowlers in West Michigan that have bowled a sanctioned 700 ( 800 for optional ) series.

Walk-ins are available ($5 charge) provide space is available.

Get full event details and entry form here.

Hudson and Ebel Win the 2015 Officers Jamboree

Congratulations to Richard Ebel Jr. and Randy Hudson Sr. who claimed victory at the 2015 Officers Jamboree.  Richard and Randy combined for a 1,471 handicap score, besting the field of 42 teams by over 50 pins. This years jamboree was held October 17th at Fairlanes.

The League Officers Jamboree tournament is held each fall, and is open to all Officers of all Certified leagues in the Greater Grand Rapids USBC.

Final standings can be found here: Current Standings