Welcome Back!

Welcome Back Bowlers!  This week marks the first night of leagues for centers all across Greater Grand Rapids.  We would like to remind everyone there was no change in membership fees this year, they remain $23.  League secretaries, please have your league applications returned to the office as soon as possible.  They are due 2 weeks after your first league night.  This is important for your bowlers who want to bowl in tournaments.

Speaking of tournaments… Our first tournament is the 700/800 tournament!  It starts on Saturday, Oct 12th and runs through Sunday, Oct. 2oth.
Click on the link on the link below to find this year’s entry.
2024-700-800 Entry


We also have 2 new board members this year, Clustelle Henry and Christine Cole!  Both of these ladies bowl in many tournaments and have multiple leagues they’re involved with. So when you see them on the lanes be sure to say hello.