ATTN: State Tournament Volunteers

The Michigan Men’s State Office will be conducting a meeting for ALL tournament workers. The State Office wants to go over what their expectations are of the tournament workers, the do’s and don’ts of working the tournament and other details. This meeting is for anyone that will be involved with the tournament — scorekeepers, monitors, office workers, 50-50 sales people. A light lunch will be provided.
The meeting is scheduled for: Saturday – December 16, 2017 – 1:00PM – Westgate Bowl  

New Deadline for Sunday’s Council Tournament


To hold the council tournament this weekend we need 12 bowlers. To be fair to our bowlers wanting to bowl this weekend the deadline to reach the 12 bowlers required to hold the tournament has been moved to Saturday @ noon.  If there are at least 12 paid entries by noon on Saturday walk-ins will be accepted on Sunday.

Please get your entries in as soon as possible. Lets make this tournament happen!

Adult/Youth Tournament Results

The 2017 Adult/Youth Tournament was a huge success.  We had 143 entries this year, an increase of 30% from last season (110).  A big thank you to Hudsonville for hosting and opening on Sunday for this event.  We saw a number of great scores by our adults and youth bowlers, as well as a few honor scores.

Class A:  Dillon Becker & Ryan Ross, 1590
Class B:  Codey Miller & Michael Miller, 1468
Class C:  Mason Clark & Liberty Clark, 1381

High Scores: Chris Clark – 300; BJ Northouse – 300; Joe Northouse – 290; Ryan Ross – 288;  5 – 279’s by Charlie Brown Sr, Jeremy Pettenger, Mike Horian, Collin Clark, Chris Slagter; 278 games by Mike Horian and Matt Jelsma; 277 game by Tony Buck.

High Series: Ryan Ross – 813; Matt Jelsma – 789 and Chris Clark – 780.

Additionally, about $500 was collected for the Grand Rapids USBC Scholarship Fund.

Click here for full standings and results.

Class A:  325 and above, Class B: 235-324, Class C: 234 and below

Volunteers Needed – 2018 State Tournament

Grand Rapids is host to the 2018 Open State Tournament.  We are looking for individuals who are interested in volunteering their time and talents to make this tournament a success.  Tournament runs from January 13th through May 20th.  Must be at least 16 years old to volunteer.

The host centers are Fairlanes (Team Event) and Westgate (Doubles/Singles).  We are looking for helpers in the areas of Lane Monitors, Raffle Ticket Sales, and Score Keepers.  If you can assist in any of these areas, please use the signup form below to express your interest.  One of our board members will follow up with you to coordinate and work with your schedule.

You can submit your interest online here: We Need You!

Chance To Win $500 – Grand Rapids Bowling Exclusive!

Bowl State Tournament for a chance to win $500!!

Grand Rapids is hosting the 2018 Open State Tournament. Fairlanes is the site for the Team event, and Westgate will host the Doubles & Singles portion.

The Greater Grand Rapids USBC is putting up a $500 cash prize, which will be awarded to a Team of Grand Rapids bowlers who bowl the Team event in January or February (excludes opening weekend). Eligible teams will automatically be entered into the drawing.


-Team must consist of 5 bowlers sanctioned in the Greater Grand Rapids USBC
-Must bowl Team event any of the following weekends: January 20/21, 27/28, February 10/11, 17/18, 24/25
-Minimum of 20 eligible teams required to award prize

Reserve your spot today! Teams or individuals having reserved dates MUST have entries postmarked by Saturday, November 25th, 2017. Reserving a spot is not required, but strongly encouraged.

Register here: 2018 Open State Tournament

Amber Karsies & Susan Cadorette Win League Officers Jamboree

The officers Tournament is held each fall, and allows each league to be represented by up to four of it’s officers, bowling in a Doubles format.  Open to all Officers of all Certified leagues in the Greater Grand Rapids USBC.

This years tournament was held October 14 at Fairlanes.  The team of Amber Karsies and Susan Cadorette came out on top with a handicap score of 1,444.  Ron King and Matthew Jelsma took the Scratch honors with 1,398.

View the prize list here: Cashers

Events Calendar and Upcoming Tournaments

The events calendar has been published.  You can find it in the upper right hand corner of the site, or click here.

Entry forms Adult/Youth Tournament at Hudsonville October 28-29 and 700/800 Tournament at Eastbrook in December are available.

Upcoming Events

Adult / Youth Doubles Tournament – Hudsonville, Oct 28-29 – Entry Form
500 / 600 Tournament – Clique Lanes, Nov 11-12  – Entry Form
Hall of Fame Dinner, Nov 18
700 / 800 Tournament – Eastbrook Lanes, Dec 2-3, 9-10 – Entry Form
Seniors Tournament – Park Center, Dec 2-3, 8-9 – Entry Form

Reminder: GRGRUSBC Annual Meeting is Tonight!

The 2017 Annual meeting of the Greater Grand Rapids USBC Association will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2017, 7:00 p.m. at Westgate Lanes.

The following positions are to be filled by election for the corresponding terms:

  • Vice President
  • 5 Directors
  • 2 Youth Director
  • Delegates to the 2018 USBC National Meeting
  • Delegates to the 2018 Michigan State USBC WBA Annual Meeting (women only): 1-year term
  • Delegates to the 2018 Michigan State USBC BA Annual Meeting (Either gender provided they hold BA state membership)
  • Delegates to the 2018 Michigan State USBC Youth Annual Meeting
  • Delegates to the 2018 Michigan State Merger Meeting

The meeting is open to all Greater Grand Rapids USBC members.

GRGRUSBC Annual Meeting & Elections

Dear League Officer/Association Member,

The 2017 Annual meeting of the Greater Grand Rapids USBC Association will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2017, 7:00 p.m. at Westgate Lanes.

The following positions are to be filled by election for the corresponding terms:

  • Vice President
  • 5 Directors
  • 2 Youth Director
  • Delegates to the 2018 USBC National Meeting
  • Delegates to the 2018 Michigan State USBC WBA Annual Meeting (women only): 1-year term
  • Delegates to the 2018 Michigan State USBC BA Annual Meeting (Either gender provided they hold BA state membership)
  • Delegates to the 2018 Michigan State USBC Youth Annual Meeting
  • Delegates to the 2018 Michigan State Merger Meeting

Interested persons must submit the enclosed candidate application postmarked by April 21st, 2017 and be in attendance at the Annual Meeting (or have a note on file requesting to be excused).
To be eligible for nomination as an officer or director, a candidate must be:

  1. A USBC member in good standing of the association at the time of election and throughout their term.
  2. Must not be bowling in any un-certified (sanctioned) leagues of American Ten Pin.
  3. Must have a working knowledge of USBC rules and regulations.
  4. Must have a working knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedures.
  5. Time to serve on committees and attend 6-7 board meetings each year.
  6. Candidates to be eligible for nomination as an officer shall have served at least three years as a member of GGRUSBC Board of Directors.

Additional eligibility requirements, if any, will be developed by the Nominating Committee.

Anyone wishing to be considered as a director or delegate must submit their qualifications to the Nominating Committee on the approved (enclosed) application. This form must be received by April 22nd, 2017.

Return to Nominating Committee – 2405-A Porter SW, Wyoming MI 49519

Nominations from the floor may be made, providing the candidate’s qualifications have been submitted to the Nominating Committee at least one week prior to the opening of the Annual Meeting. These qualifications must be submitted on the approved candidate nomination form (application enclosed).

For questions or additional information and/or forms, please contact the Nominating Chair at 616-456-1517.

Thank you for your time.  We look forward to seeing you on May 11th.


Ealry Lyons
USBC Nominating Committee

Enclosure: Click here for the 2017 Nomination Form