Welcome Back Bowlers!

Welcome back, bowlers! We hope you all had a great summer and are ready to have another great year. We have 3 tournaments to start the year. The 500/600, 700/800, and adult/Youth Doubles.
**Please note, that this year our 500/600 tournament changed dates and will be held on the 23rd & 24th of September at Hudsonville Lanes.**
The 700/800 will be the weekends of October 14th-15th & 21st-22nd at Spectrum Lanes.
The Adult/Youth will be held at AMF Eastbrook on October  27th-28th.


This year we also have a new board member Sally Grochowalski. Be on the lookout for a short bio on Sally in one of our upcoming newsletters. Be sure to say hello if you see her out on the lanes.