Welcome Back!

Welcome Back Bowlers!  This week marks the first night of leagues for centers all across Greater Grand Rapids.  We would like to remind everyone there was no change in membership fees this year, they remain $23.  League secretaries, please have your league applications returned to the office as soon as possible.  They are due 2 weeks after your first league night.  This is important for your bowlers who want to bowl in tournaments.

Speaking of tournaments… Our first tournament is the 700/800 tournament!  It starts on Saturday, Oct 12th and runs through Sunday, Oct. 2oth.
Click on the link on the link below to find this year’s entry.
2024-700-800 Entry


We also have 2 new board members this year, Clustelle Henry and Christine Cole!  Both of these ladies bowl in many tournaments and have multiple leagues they’re involved with. So when you see them on the lanes be sure to say hello.

2024 GRGRUSBC Nomination Applications

Our annual meeting is right around the corner on Thursday, May 9th.   At this meeting, we will be electing a new president, 6 new directors, and delegates to the 2025 National & State Annual Meetings.   To be included on the ballot all interested parties need to submit the attached application to our office postmarked by April 20th, 2024.  Candidates can run from the floor as long as the attached qualifications are submitted in full 1 week prior to the meeting (May 2nd).

We hope to see you all at the meeting!

Nominating Cover Letter 2024 and application

Unofficial Results for the Mixed Doubles Tournament are posted.

The results are posted for this year’s Mixed Doubles Tournament.  This year’s winners are Lisa Doss and Jared Lovett. They shot 1540 scratch totalling 1623 with handicap to claim both the handicapped and scratch divisions.  A special thank you to Rockford Lanes who hosted this year’s tournament.  Everyone had a great time.  This year we had a 13% increase in entries 2-800’s, 6-300’s and 3 bowlers had 11 in a row!


2024 Mixed Doubles Unofficial Results

Welcome Back Bowlers!

Welcome back, bowlers! We hope you all had a great summer and are ready to have another great year. We have 3 tournaments to start the year. The 500/600, 700/800, and adult/Youth Doubles.
**Please note, that this year our 500/600 tournament changed dates and will be held on the 23rd & 24th of September at Hudsonville Lanes.**
The 700/800 will be the weekends of October 14th-15th & 21st-22nd at Spectrum Lanes.
The Adult/Youth will be held at AMF Eastbrook on October  27th-28th.


This year we also have a new board member Sally Grochowalski. Be on the lookout for a short bio on Sally in one of our upcoming newsletters. Be sure to say hello if you see her out on the lanes.

2023 Board Nominations

The 2023 Annual meeting of the Greater Grand Rapids USBC Association will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023, 7:00 p.m. at Westgate Bowl.

If you are interested in serving on our board please complete and submit the nomination application to the GRGRUSBC Office no later than April 29th.  This year we have 7 directors, Vice President, and Delegates to the State and National Annual Meetings up for election.

Nominating Letter 2023

2023 Calder City Tournaments Crown 3 New Champions

Over the past 2 weekends, Westgate has hosted the Calder City Master’s, Queen’s, and Senior Master’s Tournaments.

In the Master’s we had 59 competitors.  After all the pins fell it was Derrick Norman who led from start to finish and defeated Chad Vendeville in the final match to claim this year’s title.

In the Queen’s Tournament Robin Orlikowski defeated the qualifying leader Dasha Kovalova 225-194.

In the Senior Master’s we had Steve Boos defeat the defending Champion Dennis Johnson 265-222.


Thank you to everyone that came out to support our event.  We hope to see you next year!