The City Youth Tournament is open to all sanctioned Youth bowlers of the Greater Grand Rapids USBC. The tournament consists of Team, Doubles, Singles and All-Events.

NEW TO 2025!!!

Scholarship points will be awarded to the winner of the All Events in each division!


Squads at 10:00 am and 1:00 pm each day.

Saturday, March 22
Saturday, March 29
Sunday, March 30
Saturday, April 5


Class A is 180 and over for boys, and 160 and over for girls.  Class B is boys 140-179, and girls 121-159.  Class C is boys 106-139 and girls 85-120.  Class D is boys 105 and under, girls 84 and under.

Bowlers may compete four times in the Team Event, twice on a mixed team and twice on a all girl or all boy team.  Each team must change at least 2 players.  Again this year bowlers can still compete in Doubles twice, once on a mixed team and once on an all girl or all boy team.  If entering doubles twice the bowler must enter singles twice and vice versa.

March 22 - April 5

Northfield Lanes

2222 Plainfield NE
Grand Rapids, MI


Unofficial Results

Tournament History